English Composition 121

Summary of the concept Darknet

The Darknet

Do you know how to use the Internet at a 100%? A standard user would say, “yes because I know how to access Google, do research, and access social media.” The truth is that a standard user is only able to access about 4% of the Internet via Google. This information was obtained from Nature the Journal of Science. So the answer is totally wrong. It is true that the Internet can be useful for all of these things, but that’s just a small portion of what Internet can really do. The Internet is best known as The Network of Networks. Think of it as the Sea. On the surface, you can find Facebook, Wikipedia, YouTube, Twitter, and many other websites. Then you submerge 1000 feet and you find torrent portals, Government resources, medical documents, and many illegal sites. This is known as the Deep Web which represent 90% of the Internet. But if you go deeper, you will find something totally different and bizarre. As in the real Sea, when you go this deep in the Internet, that is where you find the unknown. That point in the Internet is known as the Darknet which is the reminder of the Internet.

The Darknet stores the World’s darkest secrets. It is so dark that you can even go to prison just for surfing through it. You can’t access it by using a Search Engine as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. If you want to get access to it, you must be an advanced computer user. This part of the web has information that ranges from trade of illegal drugs to human trafficking. It is really a place that you want to avoid, as long as, you don’t want to get in jail. The Darknet is usually used by Hackers, stalkers, thieves, pedophiles, and terrorists. It is like the Black Market of the Web. We saw an example of the use of the Darknet when Target was hacked in 2013. Target said that they were hit by a massive credit-card attack affecting 40 million customer accounts. Even today the retailer feels the effects of that hack. This event gives you a better understanding of what the Darknet is. I hope that knowing this, you realize how complex the Internet is, and makes you more conscious when surfing the Web.

Written by Marlon Lopez

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