English Composition 121

Alexander Chee’s “The Writing Life”

Pick one paragraph from Chee’s essay and do the following:

  1. Report on its meaning: What is the paragraph saying? What does it mean?
  2. Reflect on its meaning: How did you feel about this paragraph? What did it make you think of?
  3. Explain its meaning: What does the paragraph try to teach its readers?
  4. Argue: Do you agree with Chee in this paragraph? It’s okay to say, “I don’t think he’s arguing anything here.” But do try to see if there’s a possible position he’s taking that’s worth responding to.

39 thoughts on “Alexander Chee’s “The Writing Life”

  1. Johnnie Grant

    That Chee professor wanted all writings assignments triple space when turned in. I feel shocked and surprised about this paragraph because in my lifetime I never heard a professor tell someone to triple space there work. This made me think of, when taking a professor things might not always be expected of you like regular professors. This paragraph try to say to us is that your professor will always expect assignments to be turned in any format they would want it in. I don’t think Chee is arguing anything here but, is surprise that her professor Annie wanted all assignments triple spaced.

  2. Christian Bolivar

    I picked the second paragraph on page 44. This paragraph mean that this guy has a lot of achievements, writing a play that was honored by Maine’s gifted program or getting a poetry prize by a foundation. But even though these are great achievements, he felt they were accidents. But the short story he was writing on the typewriter actually did not feel like an accident. He felt a newfound confidence when writing it and as much as the achievements he had before, this was an entirely new feeling for him. This made me relate to this because such accomplishments are great and being successful is amazing but sometimes I do not feel like I have earned those successes, that maybe I just got lucky. In my opinion, this paragraph is trying to make the reader think that maybe what you have gotten might have been out of luck or just plain coincidence but regardless there is still some line of your work, whatever it may be, that you should feel confident or honored about. Or maybe it is trying to explain that some people that do succeed do not feel they have earned those successes. I do not believe he is arguing anything in this paragraph. He is not taking a position in anything, just merely attempting to explain a point in his life.

    1. Dhipinder Walia Post author

      Thanks for sharing Christian. I agree, sometimes I think successes are more about luck than actual work. Do you think that’s a product of self-doubt? Or is it because we don’t realize the work we’ve put into getting these successes? I’m a firm believer in pointing writers to what works in their pieces as much as pointing them to what doesn’t work as I think that’s one great way to feel confident in a “writing success.”


  3. Mentor Mahmuti

    Page 54 the Last three paragraphs

    This paragraph is saying if you want to make something happen than you must do it repeatedly , you must make it a daily thing, more like a habit. I feel like this means a lot because if you want to achieve something you will have a higher chance of success if you make it a process to do what you want everyday. For example if you take two workers, one which just started a week ago and one that’s been working for over 10 years now, who do you think will have a higher success rate at their job. I’m saying this because the person who has worked for over 10 years knows what he is doing, he has been doing the same job for a long time and therefore created a habit for himself. I think the paragraph is trying to teach its readers not to give up on what they seek and always keep going and the more you do it the better it is for yourself.

  4. Estefania Carrera

    The paragraph is talking about how the writer failed as an art major student but throughout other resources he was able to find his career in writing. The meaning of the text is that most of the times we don’t realize what are we going to end up doing for a living, in fact, many people doesn’t know what are they good at or their talent. This paragraph made me feel very inspired because it touched subjects that have a deep meaning, for example, what’s talent without hard work or how can tragic events in your life can make you write wonderful things, which is so ironic. The paper tries to teach readers how life can take a turn over and how sometimes the answer to our questions is right underneath our feet but we need someone or something to push us to see it. I do agree with the sentence given by the author, don’t look for something to argue about rather look for those points that are worth a response, it will add to the context instead of contradicting someone else’s work.

    1. Dhipinder Walia Post author

      Hi Estefania,
      I’m glad that this piece was inspiring. I agree, there is a piece of this essay that teachers readers how sometimes what we need is right underneath us.

      I just want to clarify when you say: I do agree with the sentence given by the author, don’t look for something to argue about rather look for those points that are worth a response, it will add to the context instead of contradicting someone else’s work.

      How is “responding” related to context and contradiction?

  5. Guevara

    Chee seems to be trying to get across the temperamental nature of his previous professor. Once he had committed the sin of falling asleep in her class, it could not be forgiven. This paragraph made it increasingly difficult to sympathize with Chee, for a more responsible individual would have known not to fall into such a damnable situation. Furthermore, there was probably another way he could have handled the circumstance. Possibly by resting beforehand, purchasing a coffee with espresso or a tea if he has a gentle disposition. Chee tries to position the professor in a bad light when really it is his own fault for picking such an overly critical teacher. Unfortunately, I do not agree with Chee, he should have not fallen asleep in the first place or had taken ownership of his inadequacies.

    1. Dhipinder Walia Post author

      Thanks Guevara. You’re right. It was his fault he fell asleep, and it’s great that you saw his reflection of this moment as biased because it reminds us as readers that everything we read can have multiple meanings. It also reminds us that writers might say what they want us to believe or how they feel rather than some objective truth.


  6. Prince Asiedu Boakye

    The paragraph was about a student whose name was Alexander Chee letter to his professor Annie Dillard. Chee’s letter was an application to grant consideration into Annie class. Chee talked about his previous course, former professors and mates prior to Annie class. He tried to persuade the professor to consider him. This paragraph makes me feel in the 20 century you needed a professor’s approval before you can register for the class. Also this paragraph makes me think that some professor can make you better student. According to Chee, most people believed Annie was one of the best professors in the school so every student should assign for the class.

    1. Dhipinder Walia Post author

      Thank you, Prince. You’ve made some very keen observations here– yes, writing a letter to get admittance is quite uncommon, but it shows just how important Annie Dillard was as a writing instructor. So important, she needed request letters!

  7. Aktia Ridhima

    Mr.Chee want to be like his teacher. He wanted to write the way like his teacher does but his teacher does not want him to imitate her. I think that Annie Dillard is being honest because mr.Chee should try his best on writing by himself. Mr.Chee could not refuse his teacher. The story is trying to its readers is that everybody can do their best.

  8. Bryan Soriano

    Chee’s essay is about an admiration he has for professor Annie Dillard. Chee recalls working with many other professors and not achieving the success in writing that he wants. He thought that to become a better writer, he had to read her work but Dillard herself said that it would lead to students imitating her writing style. Dillard recommended that they know nothing of her work because she states “I want you to write like you.” What I think this essay is telling readers is that the best way to excel in writing is to do it your own way, doing it like someone else won’t be the best that it could be. Writing from experiences is what gives every writer a unique style. I believe the theme of the essay is to not overvalue the approval of others and to find the value of your own.

    1. Dhipinder Walia Post author

      Thanks Bryan– your point about overvaluing other people’s opinion is SO important. We should always value ourselves and appreciate feedback, but we shouldn’t necessarily think others determine the way we feel about our self or our writing.


  9. Prince Asiedu Boakye

    The paragraph was about a student whose name was Alexander Chee letter to his professor Annie Dillard. Chee’s letter was an application to grant consideration into Annie class. Chee talked about his previous course, former professors and mates prior to Annie class. He tried to persuade the professor to consider him. This paragraph makes me feel in the 20 century you needed a professor’s approval before you can register for the class. Also this paragraph makes me think that some professor can make you better student. According to Chee, most people believed Annie was one of the best professors in the school so every student should assign for her class.

  10. Rebeca Aragon

    In the chapter “The Writing Life” on page 44 the paragraph begins with “After I hung up the phone…I could write in a way that those other things had not” (44). This paragraph is saying that many events had occurred in Chee’s life that revealed his talent of writing. However, Chee was determined in majoring in art that he didn’t acknowledge these events he calls “accidents”. Sometimes in life we become stubborn and only want to do what we want to do and don’t pay attention to the little events or situations that occur, we shrug them off or put them aside. However, sometimes we don’t notice our true talents because we are so busy trying to become someone we want to be not someone who we already are. This paragraph made me think that there are times we are oblivious to details that can guide us to our real careers, a career that would make us happy. This paragraph made me think of my life. I’m 18 and I have my future “planned”. However, we can’t really plan the future because the future can definitely change, for better or for worst. For instance, Chee was determined he wanted to major in art but when he fell asleep in class his whole attitude about majoring in art changed. Of course, at first he was disappointed in himself and felt guilty. However, as time went by he started to understand his true talents. Personally, this paragraph spoke to me because the author revealed that its never too late to practice your talents. Overall, this paragraph is trying to teach its readers that “accidents” are signs. Sometimes when we are dreaming or “sleeping” we can’t wake up from reality.

  11. Anabel Sosa

    2. On page 42 the paragraph that says ” I didn’t by them because…then she said i want you to write like you” is trying to say that he was so happy about buying the book but his mind was telling him no because he felt neglected and felt like there was going to be no point of buying it. and then when he went to class he heard that she didn’t want them to read her book so then he felt relief that he didn’t buy it. also this paragraph explains that she wants the students to not read it because they already seeing her in person . She don’t want them to be doing what they read in the book she wants them to write like themselves and she’ll just help since she has her knowledge

    1. Dhipinder Walia Post author

      Thank you for this report, Anabel. I noticed that you stay true to what the paragraph is stating. I wonder if you might in other paragraphs reflect on each of the details you report here. Reflection can mean telling readers what you thought of the detail or how it is connected to something larger.


  12. saul bonilla

    I will be talking about the fourth paragraph of the second page. Well in this paragraph we can see on how the teacher is worried about not being imitated by her students and wanting them to write like they are use to writing. This made me think of when we look up to someone, when we have roll models. Its not a bad thing to try to be as good as someone you want to be, but its also good to go your ways and just try to get the best out of someone and turn it into your own. The lesson that this paragraph is giving us is that we should be unique and authentic on everything we do even though we want to be that person we look up to. In agreement to the text, I don’t think theirs nothing to agree but there is some to reflect on.

    1. Dhipinder Walia Post author

      Thanks Saul. You point us to something important here. What is the difference between a role model and a person you imitate? Is there a difference? As we grow do we learn how to use role models effectively so that they don’t overtake our own voice?


  13. Max

    Paragraph chosen: “Talent isn’t enough … The difference between me and them is that I’m writing” (53).

    1. The paragraph means that if you are not yet at a high standard of writing, lack of talent is not the reason. Professor Annie Dillard has explained that she is not a talented writer, but she is proficient in writing.

    2. I feel like I agree with this paragraph, because there may be a person who was born with a different brain structure, but never practiced a skill they were good at. Let’s take music as an example. Someone could be born with the best listening skills and may not do anything with music in their lives. However, another person could be born with hearing loss, but end up being one of the world’s top singers, or the lead band members.

    3. The paragraph is trying to teach writers that anyone can write, but it will take work to make writing excellent.

    4. It is only okay to state a contradiction if there is evidence or backup.

  14. Joel Ortiz

    In the second paragraph of page 45 in Chee’s “The Writing Life” Chee elaborates to reader how he learned from his friend that Chee had been accepted into a advanced literature class, yet Chee’s only real feeling was guilt because he felt as though he took something essential out of the typewriter that his friend borrowed from him to apply to the same class. Before Chee’s friend had came to pick up the typewriter, Chee used it to write for hours before which he then believed caused his friend not to make the list. It felt like a aggressive approach to take from Chee’s perspective, he seemed to be going through a array of self-doubt to the point where he did not feel like he belonged and was for sure going to be rejected. When he was accepted though, he only thought of how he somehow held his friend back. In a way Chee is attempting to teach his readers the adversity that so called “talented people” have to overcome. Chee was viewed as naturally gifted his entire life, everybody looked at him this way, except himself. In a way he wants readers to know the feeling of not seeing in yourself, what others did see which can be a burden. This position that Chee takes is a valid one because it can be mentally draining to have everybody view you as someone approve others and expected to do great things, yet, that is just something that you do not feel about yourself so then one may doubt themselves and try to pull it out of himself.

    1. Dhipinder Walia Post author

      Joel, this is my favorite line: “he wants readers to know the feeling of not seeing in yourself, what others did see which can be a burden.” I love this because I never thought about how burdened we can feel by people’s admiration for our skill, particularly if we have no idea why we’re skilled in the first place. How do we undo this? Is it by ignoring people who see us as skilled? Or is it by understanding what makes us so talented/skilled in the first place?

      Something to think about for a literacy narrative maybe?


  15. Porshe Maysonet

    Honestly I don’t feel like Chee is arguing anything. He did speak on his personal experiences with a teacher he had previously. He spoke on things he learned that he didn’t do before. He went into detail on how his teacher helped improve his outlook on writing and the tools of writing. Chee started to see that writing isnt just a talent that it takes skill, knowledge, and structure.

    1. Dhipinder Walia Post author

      It’s fair to say he’s not super argumentative, but your last line suggests he is trying to persuade us that everything requires work and talent, and that without work, talent is useless. That’s a position, isn’t it?


  16. Jalysa

    On page 42 in the second to last before the break in the page, Chee speaks about his father giving him the advice. He remembers the phrase “Whatever it is you want to do, find the person who does it best, then see if they will teach you.” This phrase is pretty self- explanatory. The advise means to learn from people who have succeeded at something that you want to do. This is so you ca not only lean how to do it but how to do it like one of the greats. The memory was triggered due to his professor telling he class not to copy her writing style. He felt guilty as did the rest of his class but not for reading her books like she told them not to but because the whole reason he came to the class was to learn how to write like her.

    1. Dhipinder Walia Post author

      Thanks Jalysa– I was struck by Dillard’s advice here too. Who would you want to mimic? My favorite writer is Miranda July, but I’m not sure I want to mimic her. I’m not sure I want to mimic anyone’s writing.

  17. Erick Ochieng

    On the second paragraph, Alexander Chee reflect on the letter she wrote for her University application. She is aware she performed poorly and failed in Studio art, therefore by default her major was to be in English. I think in this paragraph, Chee is expressing the frustration of having lost the main course she wanted to do. It feels like she will be doing English instead which is not by choice.
    Despite failing that she seemed determined to continue with her education and went ahead with the application. Chee even went out to start shopping to a book store for books that could help her in English.

    1. Dhipinder Walia Post author

      Erick, Chee definitely feels lost after failing art and deciding it’s not the path for him, but I wonder if that failure was meant to be. It seems to me his calling really was writing since he was more dedicated to it both in class and outside of class. He didn’t mention working so hard to get into an art class. I think that says something.

  18. Kemar Barnett

    On page 42 of “Writing Life” Chee gives detail on Annie Dillard and how being one of her students was like. On this page Chee talks about how Dillard told her students to not read her work while they are her students. In the prior paragraph we learn that Chee was about to purchase some of Dillard’s work but felt pressured by her work and left empty handed. Dillard goes on to say that her students should not want to imitate her work or attempt to write her but to write like you and this is the reason why they were told not to read her work. When I read this paragraph i felt connected to what she said because I have always and still do think my writings are somewhat lacking in skill and I tend to focus on other people and often lose myself and confidence in my work. I agree with Chee because people like myself often focus on trying be like others and don’t realize that everyone is different and have their own personality.I guess Chee is just trying to tell the reader that it’s better to be yourself than trying to act or portray someone else.

    1. Dhipinder Walia Post author

      Kemar, comparing ourselves to others is such a natural thing to do, I mean doesn’t Dillard actually suggest that when she says to find authors you like on a bookshelf and imagine yourself sitting next to them? Yet there is a difference between admiring other people’s writing and using it as a reason to fuel your own insecurities.

  19. Pende Sawadogo

    1-The paragraph is about a writing experiences. It means how Chee gets involved in writing.
    2-I feel about this paragraph like it’s my own writing history. It telsl that everyone writing life is related to his personal experience.
    3- It teaches the readers that one can get involved in writing because he/she is asked for.
    4-i agree with Chee idea. because it’s similar to my own history. i get love in writing with my creative non-fiction professor two semesters ago.

  20. Reina Henriquez

    On page 42 paragraph 4 is saying that Annie’s does not wanted students to copy her styles or to try to write like her because did not wanted them to do that. Annie’s knew that they were going to feel pressure and scared because she was a famous writer. Annie’s wanted the students to be them self and to write the way that they normally do it and to think about her being famous a reason for them to change. For me this paragraph means that we all our own styles and that is what makes our writing unique and special; if we all write the same styles what is point of writing it will make writing boring and this why Annie’s told her students that she them to write the way that they normally do it because when you try to write like another person you will lose yourself and sound the same and the point of writing is to be unique and have different styles of writing.

    1. Dhipinder Walia Post author

      I love your point about what would happen if we all wrote the same– you’re right, what would be the point of writing then! I wonder if you’ll remember this as you work on your own projects– the value of your voice.

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