English Composition 121

Any more questions?

David Taveras
English 121
Professor Walia

Any more questions?

Do you have any goals? How big are the goals that you want to accomplish? Are you scared that you might not be able to see your goals? What is it that you hope to gain from accomplishing these goals? What do these goals mean to you? How long do you plan to take to accomplish this goal? How much thought have you put into these goals? Well then I ask you once again, what are your goals? Do you think you can accomplish your goals without knowing the answer to any of the questions I’ve just asked? I mean really have you put any thought into the goals you have set for yourself? Please tell me do you even have a plan to accomplish these goals? Well did you know that a goal without a plan is just a dream? Are you ever gonna stop dreaming and wake up so you can go and get what you want from the world? You think your goals are too big and unattainable? Well I bet you didn’t stop and think that maybe my goals are only as big and unattainable as I make them? How long do you plan on placing limits on yourself? Is this the behavior of someone who can accomplish the goals you’ve set for yourself? Are you ever gonna stop and take the first step towards your goal? Are you really going to let a lack of motivation to keep you in bed? Did you know that discipline is what gets people to achieve their goals and not motivation? Do you think you’re going to get somewhere just by thinking about your goals? Don’t you understand that action is necessary to achieve your goals? Did you know the first step towards your goal is the most difficult? Do you want to accomplish all your goals? From my understanding I don’t think you truly see where you’re going wrong do you? Well I’m not gonna give you the answer; wouldn’t it be better understood if you figured it out for yourself? Have you cooked up and answer to the questions I gave you? Well that’s a good place to start don’t you think? Do you want to stay the same person you are right now? Do you want to change yourself for the better does any of what I’m saying sound appealing to you? It’s no pressure the question will always remain what is it that you really want? Have you written down the goals you plan to accomplish? Do you have any faith that you will actually accomplish your goals? Do you have any idea the sacrifices you have to make in order to achieve what it is that you want? Are you willing to sacrifice what is necessary in order to achieve your goals? So I ask you, are you ready to accomplish your goals yes or no?

One thought on “Any more questions?

  1. Dhipinder Walia

    Thanks for sharing David. I’m reminded of a motivational speaker when I read your post. It feels like you’re talking directly to someone about to open a door to a new opportunity. I’m not sure we’ve got a topic yet for the autoethnography, but that’s okay. We do have an idea that you’re interested in goals, the uses of setting goals, and reasons why we might be scared to admit what they are. Let’s see what comes from that in your future posts.

    Looking forward,

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