English Composition 121

Quick Trigger Time

  1. The event that I would still want the apology for is from my junior year english teacher back in high school for kicking me out of the class just for laughing at something that happened and telling my guidance counselor I am a “problem starter”. It wouldn’t really change my life if I received this apology but I did not like that teacher so it would be funny to see them grovel. I don’t like being accused of things I did not do, so it would have saved me a lot of anger and maybe I wouldn’t have hated that class as much and tried more. I even declined to do AP Literature the year after because I heard that she would be teaching that class so I said “Hell no, to the no, no, no”.
  2. I would want to visit the version of me from high school, mainly freshman/sophomore year me, because man did I used to be a big jerk. I still can be seen as rude but it’s more in a sarcastic sense not trying to belittle others or anything like that. I think maybe this could have helped me make more friends earlier on and also to not hate high school as much. I did still end up having the greatest group of friends I’ve ever had so perhaps I wouldn’t change anything. I do however feel bad for how I used to act towards people and that’s why if I could go back to a time, it’d be this one.
  3. I wish I could no more about my grandfather on my dad’s side that passed away about a year ago. It kind of sucks that when he died, I didn’t even have a reaction because I barely knew him. To be fair, I’m not much of an emotional person anyways, but still. The only thing I knew about him was that he lost his sight when he was a teenager. I could find out more about him by just asking my mom to tell me. This would affect my life because I would know more about my families’ history and know more about what my grandparents are like. *I don’t really know much about anyone outside of my immediate family so it would be nice to know more about them.*
  4. The somewhat local event that I would like to know more about is that zodiac killer because they never caught that man. It’s kind of scary to think about that a serial killer was never caught and the police have no clue who it was. Although this happened in California, it is still important to because the killer could have easily made his way over here to New York. People I could talk to to know more about this event are probably investigators of the crimes and maybe relatives or friends of the victims. I could also talk to Ted Cruz, but I should wear a wire because that man is quite suspicious.
  5. Now as we all know, I am the biggest Maroon 5 fan there is. One of their works of art that meant something to me was that Super Bowl performance. It was quite the letdown if I’m being honest and I would love to know what their thought process was behind this. I may have already been angry at them using Sweet Victory for 5 seconds to intro goddamn Travis Scott and the news about 21 savage being British had me shook, but as a lover of Maroon 5, I think they had good reason for that work of art they showed us and it really was significant and moving to me because Adam Levine just gets me going. Keep doing you, Adam.

3 thoughts on “Quick Trigger Time

  1. Dhipinder Walia

    Zodiac killer reference again, hah! Even though you’re not an emotional person, as you state, an inquiry into your grandparents’ lives would be interesting. Maybe you’ll discover a personal relationship you have with the research after you conduct some interviews and visit some places your grandparents did.

  2. Robert DeNisi

    Wow Ramish, I can’t believe I have known you for 2 years and never known about your love for Maroon 5! Since we both seem to love them equally, we should definitely bring that up in class so we can show the importance of music as a language and the rhetorical devices we both know that Maroon 5 uses in their songs. We should talk about their evolution as well from the Songs about Jane era to the Red Pill Blues era. The evolution of a band is sometimes just as important as the evolution of an author. Adam Levine keeps me going as well, but I do disagree about their halftime show and I believe they did a really good job considering all the difficulties they faced along the way. That could definitely be an idea for your autoethnography. You should discuss with Professor Walia if you can write about the evolution and varying viewpoints of Maroon 5 and how no matter what they have always kept you going. Someone as knowledgable as yourself should have no trouble with this topic and have a lot of fun doing it. I would happily be interviewed!!!!!!

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