English Composition 121

Where am I writing from?(category 2 prompt 1)

David Taveras


ENG 121

Professor Walia

Where I’m writing from

The place I’m writing from is a place that changes and it doesn’t truly stay the same. It always gets bigger or gets to small. I retire to this place everyday after a hard day’s work. I go to this place for refuge from the estimated 60,000-80,000 thoughts my brain processes in a day. It’s place I go to in order to recollect said thoughts and try to make sense of the convoluted mess that is my mental cascade. I go to this place when I have nowhere else to go because everywhere else is nowhere to be found. I love this place because to me even though again it always changes its one of the more consistent things in my life. I guess you could say it consistently changes. This place feels like a cloud at times and at there it feels like the floor. Sometimes it actually is the floor. Sometimes it feels like a volcano threw up on it while other times it feels like a blizzard ran across its surface. It’s springs and inner workings provide good enough support but not too much support. I love this place for everywhere that it comes up short. This place lacks judgement, it lacks The forthcomings of a social life, it lacks the restriction placed on you that the usual outside environment does, it lacks boundaries for thought you can be anywhere in your wildest dreams from this very spot, it lacks the ability to hurt your feelings, it lacks rules regulations and social norms that we usually have to conform to. Most importantly this place is what you make of it. This place allows you to be you and no one else is there to judge or tell you what you are or how you should act. This place is exactly what you think about leaving when someone says “you gotta get uncomfortable”. This place is a wonderful place and it is essential to your growth as a human being. You’ve done so much from this place and there is no way that you will feel more in tune with who you are than when you are in this place alone. Although, this place isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. This place isn’t good for growth internally. You’re going to have to leave if you want to make meaningful connections and grow beyond who you are and become a better version of that person. This place can hold you hostage to it’s many luxuries no matter how extravagant it is. This place will stop you from being all you can be and then some if you allow yourself to get lost in its elegant simplicity. This place follows you where ever you go in life and it never leaves. The place I chose to write from is my comfort zone. My bedroom, my sanctuary, my happy place. I’m going to write from somewhere that I am most intune with myself in order to not be influenced by any outside world distractions and mistreatments. I’m writing this from the place that has stunted my growth but that has allowed me to realize who I truly am. I’m writing this from a place where David is David not the guy that’s late all the time and sits at the edge of the classroom. I’m writing this from where I have no boundaries and can allow my thoughts to pour out onto the blog that is my canvas. I am writing this from my comfort zone because that’s where I can feel myself the most.

One thought on “Where am I writing from?(category 2 prompt 1)

  1. Dhipinder Walia

    Thanks, David. I see your description here is meant to be elusive. I get it’s commentary on the impermanence of space and the connection it has to who we are. I just wonder if your post could have used some concrete examples. When you say sometimes it looks like a volcano erupted, when was this? When you say it lacks judgment, how so? I also wanted to know more about this “comfort zone.” Usually people say ‘get out of your comfort zone’ and you describe your room as your comfort zone. How might that impact your project when a goal of writing, at least in this course, is to get out of your comfort zone?


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