English Composition 121


Blog Post 7

Considering the feedback that you provided, I mainly need to focus on further analyzing and providing connections between affirmative action and my personal experiences.It is also brought up that I should use more examples from the past rather than more…


Even though we all know what affirmative action is, let me give you the definition so we can hit that word count. Affirmative action is “(in the context of the allocation of resources or employment) the practice or policy of…

Blog Post 4

In the auto ethnography that I am writing, a topic that I discuss is affirmative action. The basic definition of what affirmative action is is “Affirmative action policies often focus on employment and education. In institutions of higher education, affirmative action refers to admission policies…

Blog Post 3

For the theme of my auto-ethnography, I decided to interview my guidance counselor from high school, Mr. Hill. I asked him about the college application process since he was once part of the admission staff for a college. The conversation…