I guess a good way to give my blog posts context would be to relate it to digging a tunnel. All these blog posts you could say are a layer of dirt that I, digging through to find out what…
Blog Post 6
Critique on Bring Me The Horizon’s most recent album, amo. This album has a prominent pop and electronic feel to it although the lyrics are still angry and hostile. Many of the bands old fans don’t like this new type…
They didnt even respond to my application but ok
Blog Project Writing Category Autoethnography Prompt
I am writing my project in a room. The room has a bookshelf. The room has books. The room has a bed. The room has makeup. The room has a closet. The room has toys. The room has jewelry. The…
Historical Writing
As we saw in class history can make up make connections and make. I believe a lot of social movement
My immigrnat I had to learn while being an immigrnt my dad had to find a work we are both learning about accustoming to life in America I had to learng English He had to learn English We had to…
In Class Post 3/11/19
I wrote that from age 5-7 I was in elementary school and excelled in my class. I was adored by all my teachers. Then from ages 8-10 while still in elementary school by friends began to change as I wanted…
Timeline Blog Post
On my timeline I said I started going to a new school in both 2010 and in 2017. In 2003, I entered middle school at age 11 and was in that school for the first time. My classmates and more…
Blog Post #4: A Historical Overview on Animal Domestication
In New York City you cannot walk down the street without seeing people walking their dogs. And while visiting most of your friends you may or may not have noticed that there is most likely a cat or two lurking…
Where I Belong
March 4, 2019 Dear Diary, I find it surprising that I am writing in this uncomfortable goat hand-made chair instead of feeding the animals, the turkeys, and the pigs. I have never written a journal entry before because I am…