English Composition 121

Analysis of an Image

From the image I can see a beautiful flower grow in a dry, wasted, harsh and forgotten place. It seems like impossible but everything can happen for a reason. It is the same in people’s real life too. There are times and places we reach in our life that feel like a desert.Those places are dry, wasted, harsh and forgotten too. It is unable to sustain life.When we are in a desert, giving is an act of hope that epitomizes the strength of the human spirit. It gives people hope that one day their dreams will bloom just like a flower despite the place they living in. This image presents the importance act of giving, by comparing it with planting a flower in the desert.
The dry, crushed land in the image represents forgotten lives of many peoples in poverty. It represents the life of a persons living in poverty like a desert. The persons who do not have a proper diet, no shelter or have depleted shelter, live in insanitary conditions, and have a lower life expectancy than the majority of population. Many of them sleep on streets, subways, footpaths, doorways or park benches under the open sky. In extreme winter, they sometimes freeze to death in certain areas. Therefore, the dry, cracked land represents difficulties they face every day to survive with the minimum conditions and hopeless lives for a better days to come. They have no opportunities for a better life without the help of others.
The beautiful flower in the image represents the effect that giving can have in people’s lives. Despite where people live every human has a dream they dream to achieve. For people in poverty might seem impossible based on the conditions which they live in. The only salvation for them is the act of giving from the ones who can help. Ordinary people can help poor people by giving economic support and helping them to solve problem with living. Give them opportunity of education, because knowledge can help the poor people to stand on their own feet. Giving them free education can help them to grow as individuals, help them to live a better life, help them to get a job, and to build a career. Therefore, simply by the act of giving every human being can be able to enjoy this life and bloom from happiness just like a flower and make this world more beautiful.
To conclude, the act of giving can change many lives. The image represents a call to give and help the poor people who are living in a minimum condition and have no hoppe for better days.Whose desires have extinguished. The result of giving is a miracle that everyone would like to see in this world, a land full of flowers. A world full of happy faces. Giving says to the world, yes, things are bad now, but they will be better in the future.

Written by Xheve

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