English Composition 121

Literacy Campaigns and Movements

Over the last 400 years, there have been hundreds of movements to reduce illiteracy. These movements include global initiatives, national initiatives, and local initiatives. For this assignment, you and your partner will pick a campaign from the list below. You will read, reread, and talk about what you have learned about this campaign. Next, you will complete a report that:

  1. summarizes key features of this campaign (what specific problem did this campaign seek to fix? how did it try to solve this problem?) (5 points)
  2. proposes a thesis that explains why this campaign is important for readers to know about (2.5 points)
  3. cite and integrate three pieces of evidence that should include: history, testimony, observations, newspaper articles, images, and/or videos (2.5 points )

This report should be posted on our blog under the category “campaign.”

Additionally, please note that you will be completing this during two class periods. If you require more than these two class periods, it is your responsibility to meet with your partner outside of class.

Please choose from the following literacy campaigns:

  1. Literacy Campaign in Sweden
  2. Russian Literacy Campaigns from 1861-1939
  3. Mass Literacy in the 1800s in the United States
  4. 1961 Cuban Literacy Campaign
  5. Adult Literacy in India
  6. 1980 Nicaraguan National Literacy Crusade
  7. Experimental World Literacy Program
  8. Open Admissions in CUNY 1970s
  9. Vietnam Fight against Illiteracy in 1970s

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