English Composition 121


Thank you for visiting my blog posts!

In this page, you will see an assortment of posts from homework to in-class work relating to my final project of an autoethnography. In this autoethnography, I decided to explore my experience of being a female in the world of video games and relate that to being a female in the STEM community as well. I talk a little bit about my identity and my writing process, inspirations and motivations, and reflections on the process of my work. I have always spent my time, well my life, equally both in video games and in my work. In reading these blog posts, you should have a good idea of who I am, someone who has always been defined as career oriented. I hope that in reading my posts, you get to learn and acknowledge some of the struggles women face in these communities, and the constant doubts and questioning that we have to answer to get to where we are. I hope that I end up writing a good autoethnography šŸ™‚

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