English Composition 121

Signing off! xoxo, xhesika

Hello, my name is Xhesika and these are my blog posts. These posts represent the inner workings of my mind……at least when it comes to these specific prompts. More importantly, they represent my progress from first starting this class to now, the day I write my final blog post. These posts relate to my project and they also don’t, but they all have a little bit of me in them. At first, I couldn’t find a way some of them related, but as I looked deeper, I found that they were all about me and something that was important to me. In addition, many of them related to women. I spoke about my mom and the roles of women in multiple blog posts, even though I had not realized it. One clear example of this is my place blog posts, where I fully intended to talk about my bed and I and nothing else. However, somehow I spoke about my mother and how other women use beds or their homes as a shelter. Every time I write I end up going back to this topic of women and how they are affected by everyday life. All these writing techniques are connected by my unique writing. Although, many do not prefer long sentences and words that have the same meaning, I do. When I am passionate about something, I tend to try to sound powerful and sometimes feel like a speech writer, but for a long speech that never ends. Maybe I got this from the Albanian women, who use words that mean the same and who stretch out sentences so they feel more dramatic than they really are, but I enjoy this writing. I want to evoke emotion, so I like to use powerful sentences, even if they are passive or have a two words that mean the same thing. So clear warning, if you like clear and short sentences, you might not always get one from me. However, you will get humor and you might be able to spot a bit of laziness from me as we began to reach the final blog posts. Most importantly, you will get passion. You will get long sentences of anger and of happiness and you will definitely get me coming to a thesis at the end of the posts, instead of the beginning. Or will you get me questioning that thesis that I made too seconds ago? Lastly, I hope you get a sense of who I am, but also of who you are and what your passion is.

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